Friday, June 10, 2011

May 7 (Day 134)

Phoenix and her friends with their self portraits at her birthday party.

May 6 (day 133)

No picture..yet again

May 5 (Day 132) picture...

May 4 (Day 131)

Fellow mitigators Jaye and Erin during the Mitiga

tion Conference.

May 3 (Day 130)

Our annual Region 6 mitigation conference....the mitigator engineers hard at work crafting messages in the hallway between sessions.

May 2 (Day 129)

Another missed day ( i Missed a lot of May days)

May 1 (Day 128)

Luther gets a bath.

April 30 (Day 127)

Oops--another missed day.

April 29 (Day 126)

Last Day of LFMA, my 11th anniversary and it looks like William and Kate get the privlege of sharing mine and Chris's anniversary with us..

April 28 (day 125)

A view of Festival International in Lafayette Loisisana

April 27 (day 124)

Collegues at Louisiana Floodplain Management Association conference.

April 26 (Day 123)

Phoenix sits at the head of the table in the Fishbowl for bring your sons/daughters to work day. This where the Regional Administrator sits for VTC's and press conferences during disasters

April 25 (day 122)

Tornado sirens = spending time in the stairwell at work.

April 24 (day 121)

Oops---another missed day.

April 23 (day 12)

Phoenix is cooking again.

April 22 (day 119)

Griffin's soccer team.

April 21 (day 118)

Another missed day.

April 20 (day 117()

Luther is growing.

April 19 (day 116)

April 18 (day 115)

One day when she has to wear glasses she will look back on this picture and think to herself..."What was I thinking?

April 17 (day 114)

Love my Keurig!

April 16 (day 113)

Grocery shopping

April 15 (day 112)

Scrapbooking night with my ladies!

April 14 (day 111)

Pirate Date at school.

April 13 (day 110)

Twirl Practice

April 12 (day 109)

Think I am going to have to go searching on phones for a picture for this day

April 11 (Day 108)

W euse E-Mealz in this it!